PROJECT: FoodieBot


Our team was tasked to make a new application by morphing from the existing AddressBook-3 application and building on it. We decided to make FoodieBot, which maintains the CLI style of AddressBook-3 while updating the GUI and adding additional functionality.

FoodieBot is an application built for people around NUS in order to help them with various problems which may crop up from time to time while dining in NUS. It can help users decide by randomizing food options, get directions from Point A to Point as well as help the user plan their budget.

Summary of contributions

  • Enhancement: added the enter function

    • What it does: it allows users to switch from viewing the list of canteens to viewing the list of stalls and from the list of the stalls to view the menu of each individual stall.

    • Justification: Suppose that the user wants to find out more about the stalls in a canteen or more information about the food provided in the stall. The enter command conveniently encapsulates that idea of wanting to find out more about the thing you’re interested in and not having to memorize so many commands to do it.

    • Highlights: While in the process of implementing enter I also created the idea of a Context for users to call commands which forms a very important part of our entire application allowing users simpler commands to remember.

    • Credits: -

  • Code contributed: [Functional code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated UI with a label showing clearly what the UI is showing (Pull requests #202)

      • Added the back command to allow the user to return to the previous menu more easily (Pull request #199)

    • Documentation:

      • In charge of maintaining the quality of English in the user guide.

      • Made the user guide more friendly with more personal language

Contributions to the User Guide

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Please find below the parts which I have contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my knowledge of the inner workings of the project and the overall project structure.