PROJECT: FoodieBot


Our team was tasked with the morphing of an existing application AddressBook3 into a new application as part of a brown-field software engineering project. We discussed and reached a decision to create FoodieBot, an application that ultimately focuses on every food available in our university, National University of Singapore, in a similar vein to a food directory.

FoodieBot aims to be the missing link for students to find food in campus easily from a wide catalog. It allows for directions, where students can find their way from their current location to the canteen with step-by-step directions, where most mapping applications currently do not have accurate information. It also have important features such as randomizing food options for users who are indecisive on what to eat, a budget tracker for people to help maintain their expenditures, as well as a rate/review functionality for their easier reference to help them remember how good a food is.

Summary of contributions

  • Enhancement: Added the budget command.

    • What it does: Helps the user to maintain a budget.

    • Justification: For people who often overspend on food, this function helps to give an overview of their expenditure for each budget cycle (day/week/month), as well as to limit their spending where necessary.

    • Highlights: This command functions independently from the other segments of the application.

    • Credits: -

  • Enhancement: Added the report, transactions, rate and review command.

    • What it does: Contain a list of the user’s expenditure for their reference, and have the ability to rate and review the food they ate.

    • Justification: Important feature to help users remember what they eat, and keep track of what they eat often.

    • Highlights: User can see a consolidated purchased food list in report, the full details in transactions.

    • Credits: -

  • Code contributed: [Functional code] [Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Extended select function to save foo selected into storage, in preparation for report and transaction commands (Pull request #107)

    • Enhancements to backend utility classes:

      • Created a customized DateRange class to assist in a simple encapsulation of a range of dates, as well as a DateFormatter class to accept various forms of date formats. (#70)

      • Expanded the functionality of the ArgumentMultiMap class with more methods to abstract out accessing data. (#70)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.